1 Preamble

This page contains material for NSCR Carpentries, a two-day workshop hosted by the NSCR with support from Data and Software Carpentries on 5 and 12 October, 2022.

2 Background

Last week, we covered various different transform functions such as filter(), mutate() and group_by(). Most or all of the functions we used were in dplyr - a popular and powerful package within the tidyverse.

This morning, we extend that a little by covering joining (or ‘merging’), which is useful when we want to ‘join’ or ‘stick’ two (or more) datasets together. After that, we cover tidy functions within the aptly named tidyr package – again, all within the tidyverse. This includes the long-wide and wide-long transformations. In the afternoon we cover data visualization. As you will have realised, we are focusing on the tiyverse set of packages, so make you sure you have it installed and loaded in your script for the day!

3 Joining

It is likely that at some point you will need to join two datasets together. For example, if you wanted to examine the relationship between police-recorded crime and neighbourhood deprivation, you would probably need to collate data from two sources: the police, and the census bureau, and then join the two datasets together by some common variable, such as a neighbourhood name or id code. Here, we cover two ways of joining datasets together. The first is binding which simply ‘sticks’ to datasets together. The second is joining which performs a merge based on one or more variables which are common between the datasets.

3.1 Binding

One of the crudest (but often perfectly acceptable) ways of sticking dataframes together is ‘binding’. You can either bind top-to-bottom using bind_rows() or side-by-side using bind_cols(). This is demonstrated visually below. Note that when binding, there is no requirement for the datasets to have common identifier variables: you really are just sticking them together. This is easy but rather risky, as we will see.

Source: William Surles

3.1.1 Row bind

Let’s first demonstrate bind_rows(). We begin by re-downloading some of the US crime data that we used yesterday from the crimedata package. As before, ensure that the package is installed and loaded. This time, we download data for 2016 and 20171. To speed things up, we download only a sample of the whole data each time.

crimes_2016 <- get_crime_data(years = 2016, type = "sample")
crimes_2017 <- get_crime_data(years = 2017, type = "sample")

But what if we wanted to compare the two years? This would be most straightforward within the same dataframe. Because the two dataframes have exactly the same columns, we can use bind_rows() to stick them together top-to-bottom. Note that we specify an id variable to distinguish the two original dataframes.

crimes_binded <- bind_rows(crimes_2016, crimes_2017, .id = "year")

3.2 Exercise

  1. The new year variable we created above is not very informative. Create a new variable in both crimes_2016 and crimes_2017 called data_year which states the year. Then, re-do the row bind above.
  2. Try altering the variable name in one of the datasets. For example, let’s say we made a typo, and in one dataframe we called our new variable data_years. Then re-do the row bind. What happens and why?
  3. Once you’ve (successfully) stuck the dataframes together, use group_by() and then summarise() to calculate the crime counts by year and by city. Look back at last week’s material for some clues on how to do this.

You will see that the row bind only works because the two dataframes have identical columns. So, be sure to check these things before conducting a row bind, otherwise you might get an unexpected result.

3.2.1 Column bind

Another way of finding dataframes is bind_cols(). This sticks dataframes together side-by-side. For that reason, you have to be super careful that the ordering of rows is appropriate before conducting a column bind. Let’s create two dataframes of city-level counts for each year.

city_counts_2016 <- crimes_2016 %>% 
  group_by(city_name) %>% 
  summarise(counts2016 = n())

city_counts_2017 <- crimes_2017 %>% 
  group_by(city_name) %>% 
  summarise(counts2017 = n())

If you eye-ball the above two dataframes, you can see that they are perfectly comparable: the same number of cities, both sorted alphabetically. So, if you conduct a simple column bind, it works fine, aside from the automatic renaming of common variables. You can then easily compare the counts across years, or calculate the difference between the two.

city_counts_2016_2017 <- bind_cols(city_counts_2016, city_counts_2017) 

But what happens if the order is different? We can simulate this by shuffling the order of one data frame, and then re-doing the bind. We do this by taking a sample without replacement. You will notice that we first set.seed() – this ensures our sampling is reproducible. You can read more about that here.


city_counts_2016_shuffle <- city_counts_2016 %>% 
  sample_n(size = nrow(city_counts_2016), replace = FALSE)

city_counts_2016_2017_shuffle <- bind_cols(city_counts_2016_shuffle, city_counts_2017) 

Now take a look at the result. Is it correct? If not, why not? While bind_cols() can be useful, always ensure that the ordering is correct before conducting such a bind, and be sure to check everything afterwards.

3.3 Joining

Probably the most powerful way of merging dataframes together is by using a join function. These functions will match rows based on one or more common id (or ‘key’) variables. There are a number of different joins available within the tidyverse. While each are fundamentally the same, each one will treat non-matches differently. The four options available are left_join(), right_join(), inner_join() and full_join(). These are best summarised visually.

Let’s demonstrate a join by re-trying our city-wide counts comparison between 2016 and 2017. To show the difference to a bind, we will use the shuffled 2016 data. First, let’s remind ourselves what these two dataframes look like.

## # A tibble: 17 x 2
##    city_name      counts2016
##    <fct>               <int>
##  1 Kansas City          1223
##  2 Mesa                  346
##  3 Tucson                821
##  4 San Francisco        1033
##  5 New York             4719
##  6 Fort Worth            568
##  7 Seattle               682
##  8 Louisville            438
##  9 St Louis              492
## 10 Austin                888
## 11 Nashville             778
## 12 Memphis               917
## 13 Los Angeles          2396
## 14 Virginia Beach        314
## 15 Chicago              2664
## 16 Detroit               964
## 17 Boston                453
## # A tibble: 17 x 2
##    city_name      counts2017
##    <fct>               <int>
##  1 Austin                868
##  2 Boston                436
##  3 Chicago              2642
##  4 Detroit               792
##  5 Fort Worth            563
##  6 Kansas City          1261
##  7 Los Angeles          2454
##  8 Louisville            417
##  9 Memphis               984
## 10 Mesa                  334
## 11 Nashville             782
## 12 New York             4617
## 13 San Francisco        1090
## 14 Seattle               704
## 15 St Louis              479
## 16 Tucson                805
## 17 Virginia Beach        297

Despite the different row ordering, the common id of city_name means that we can join the two datasets by the city name. You might notice from the above graphic that it doesn’t even matter which join we use here, because each dataframe is equally complete. By way of demonstration, we use full_join().

city_counts_joined <- full_join(city_counts_2016_shuffle, city_counts_2017, by = "city_name")

city_counts_joined # print the joined output
## # A tibble: 17 x 3
##    city_name      counts2016 counts2017
##    <fct>               <int>      <int>
##  1 Kansas City          1223       1261
##  2 Mesa                  346        334
##  3 Tucson                821        805
##  4 San Francisco        1033       1090
##  5 New York             4719       4617
##  6 Fort Worth            568        563
##  7 Seattle               682        704
##  8 Louisville            438        417
##  9 St Louis              492        479
## 10 Austin                888        868
## 11 Nashville             778        782
## 12 Memphis               917        984
## 13 Los Angeles          2396       2454
## 14 Virginia Beach        314        297
## 15 Chicago              2664       2642
## 16 Detroit               964        792
## 17 Boston                453        436

3.4 Exercise

  1. For completion, we have explicitly stated that we are joining by city_name. What happens if we don’t do this? Remove that option and re-try the join.
  2. In one of the dataframes, change the city_name variable to something different (e.g., city). This forces you to practice rename() from last week, but is also recreates a more realistic scenario in which the common ID variables have different names.
  3. Now, re-do the join. You will see that R cannot guess which variables are your common IDs. So, you will need to state them manually within the join function. Do this! Remember that Google is your friend, or check the help page within R (?full_join).

To explore the different joins more, let’s introduce some differences. We create an incomplete 2017 dataframe by randomly sampling ten cities, and then re-trying the join. You will notice that this automatically identifies the missings, and retains them.

set.seed(1612) # This ensures that the sample is reproducible.

city_counts_2017_subset <- city_counts_2017 %>% 
  sample_n(size = 10)

city_counts_joined_subset <-  full_join(city_counts_2016_shuffle, city_counts_2017_subset, by = "city_name")

## # A tibble: 17 x 3
##    city_name      counts2016 counts2017
##    <fct>               <int>      <int>
##  1 Kansas City          1223       1261
##  2 Mesa                  346        334
##  3 Tucson                821        805
##  4 San Francisco        1033       1090
##  5 New York             4719       4617
##  6 Fort Worth            568        563
##  7 Seattle               682        704
##  8 Louisville            438        417
##  9 St Louis              492        479
## 10 Austin                888        868
## 11 Nashville             778         NA
## 12 Memphis               917         NA
## 13 Los Angeles          2396         NA
## 14 Virginia Beach        314         NA
## 15 Chicago              2664         NA
## 16 Detroit               964         NA
## 17 Boston                453         NA

3.5 Exercise

  1. What do you think would happen if we re-ran the above, but with left_join()? Try it out now, along with right_join() and inner_join(). The differences might be subtle, but important!

4 Tidy

So far, we have been going on about the tidyverse without really talking about tidy data. There is no better resource to explain tidy data than this one. We are not even going to try and beat that. So, definitely have a read at some point! But for now, we can summarise tidy data by borrowing their definition: a tidy dataset is one in which each variable is placed in its own column, each observation in its own row, and each value in its own cell. There is a graphical representation of this below.

To some of you, this might be intuitive: it might seem obvious that data is in a tidy format, but you would be surprised what hell some people call a dataframe. In real life, colleagues, companies and governments will share spreadsheets which do not fit this definition of ‘tidy’, and we are left to wrangle away until it is tidy. Luckily, we have already learnt many of the skills needed to tidy data, but one important one remains: long to wide pivots (and vice-versa).

4.1 Preperation

To demonstrate these pivots, we will make use of some open data from the London Fire Service contains information about calls for service involving animals. To prepare for this, we need to run an R script which will download and prepare the data for us. This is partly practical, but partly a nice demonstration of the source() function. With this function, we can run a pre-existing R script without even opening it. Assuming you have downloaded all the material for this course, and that you are working in the R project file, all you need to do is run the following in a new R script.

# This will run the R script in the background, in order to prepare some nice data.
source(file = "scripts/tidy_prep.r")

4.2 Wide to long

First, let’s print our first example data frame to the Console.

## # A tibble: 6 x 13
##   animal_group_broad `2009` `2010` `2011` `2012` `2013` `2014` `2015` `2016`
##   <fct>               <int>  <int>  <int>  <int>  <int>  <int>  <int>  <int>
## 1 Bird                   89     99    120    112     85    110    106    120
## 2 Cat                   262    294    309    302    312    295    262    296
## 3 Dog                   132    122    103    100     93     90     88    107
## 4 Fox                    16     17     26     14     25     22     21     29
## 5 Horse                  19     15     22     28     16     12     12     12
## 6 Other                  50     64     40     47     54     54     51     40
## # ... with 4 more variables: 2017 <int>, 2018 <int>, 2019 <int>, 2020 <int>

This dataframe contains information about the number of calls received by the London Fire Service between 2009 and 2018 involving particular animals. For example, there were 85 incidents in 2013 involving birds. This data is in wide format. How can we tell? Well, it can be tricky. But consider the first part of our (borrowed) definition: each variable is placed in its own column. The variable animal_group_broad makes sense: it is a categorical variable defining the animals involved. But what is 2009? What is 2011? These columns are pretty much the same variable: a currently non-existing column called ‘yearly count’, which is simply an incident count.

If we wanted to calculate fairly basic things, for example, the total number of incidents during the study period, or the mean number of incidents during the study period for each animal category, it would be pretty difficult due to the data format. To make things easier, we want to pivot from wide to long.

We do this using a function called pivot_longer(). The first input is the wide data frame we want to pivot, in our case, fire_wide1_df. We then specify the columns we want to pivot (in our case, all the year columns), a new variable name to define the columns (in our case, years), and a new variable to define whatever the values in the cells are (in our case, incident counts). Note that we are pivoting all columns except the animal classification, hence the use of -.

fire_long1_df <- fire_wide1_df %>% 
  pivot_longer(cols = -animal_group_broad, names_to = "years", values_to = "counts") 

We will be honest: it is not always immediately clear what the cols, names_to and values_to options are. If you are really not sure, we recommend taking a small sub-sample of the data (e.g., using sample_n()) and testing things out. There’s no shame in this!

Now print the output to take a look.

## # A tibble: 72 x 3
##    animal_group_broad years counts
##    <fct>              <chr>  <int>
##  1 Bird               2009      89
##  2 Bird               2010      99
##  3 Bird               2011     120
##  4 Bird               2012     112
##  5 Bird               2013      85
##  6 Bird               2014     110
##  7 Bird               2015     106
##  8 Bird               2016     120
##  9 Bird               2017     124
## 10 Bird               2018     126
## # ... with 62 more rows

This might seem less intuitive for our eyes, but it makes things way easier for computers. Now, for example, we can perform a number of useful operations using some of the skills we learnt last week. The following calculates the mean number of incidents for each animal category, for example.

fire_long1_df %>% 
  group_by(animal_group_broad) %>% 
  summarise(mean_counts = mean(counts))
## # A tibble: 6 x 2
##   animal_group_broad mean_counts
##   <fct>                    <dbl>
## 1 Bird                     121. 
## 2 Cat                      292. 
## 3 Dog                       96.3
## 4 Fox                       27.4
## 5 Horse                     15.8
## 6 Other                     50.4

As we will discuss later, making graphics in R is also all about the long data! This will become clear this afternoon.

4.3 Long to wide

Sometimes, we will need to pivot the other way round: from long to wide. A common reason for this is to make a table for a paper or presentation. Computers like long data, but humans sometimes find wide format a bit more intuitive to read. Let’s print out a long dataframe example from the London Fire Service data.

## # A tibble: 36 x 3
##    animal_group_broad property_type     counts
##    <fct>              <chr>              <dbl>
##  1 Bird               Dwelling              40
##  2 Bird               Non Residential       18
##  3 Bird               Other Residential      0
##  4 Bird               Outdoor               26
##  5 Bird               Outdoor Structure      5
##  6 Bird               Road Vehicle           0
##  7 Cat                Dwelling             171
##  8 Cat                Non Residential       20
##  9 Cat                Other Residential      2
## 10 Cat                Outdoor               58
## # ... with 26 more rows

This data is in long format. Each column is a distinct variable, and values are repeated across rows to reflect grouping (e.g., different property types nested within animal categories). We just have one variable containing the counts. We can pivot this to wide format using pivot_wider(). This time, we specify the variable which we are going to create new columns from (in this case, property type: one column for each unique value), and the existing variable which we are going to take the cell values from (in this case, counts).

fire_wide2_df <- fire_long2_df %>% 
  pivot_wider(names_from = "property_type", values_from = "counts")

Again, let’s print the output to check what happened. We can see that the variable specified in property_type has been spread across columns, and the values for each has been taken from the existing counts variable.

## # A tibble: 6 x 7
##   animal_group_broad Dwelling `Non Residential` `Other Residential` Outdoor
##   <fct>                 <dbl>             <dbl>               <dbl>   <dbl>
## 1 Bird                     40                18                   0      26
## 2 Cat                     171                20                   2      58
## 3 Dog                      44                10                   0      56
## 4 Fox                       5                 1                   0       6
## 5 Horse                     0                 1                   0      17
## 6 Other                    24                 4                   2      15
## # ... with 2 more variables: Outdoor Structure <dbl>, Road Vehicle <dbl>

That’s it! That’s long to wide and back again.

4.4 Unite

Another useful tidying function is unite(). Fortunately, it’s a lot easier to get your head around compared to pivots. This function will simply pastes together the contents of columns. Let’s demonstrate this using the raw fire service data. We have two variables property_type and property_category which describe where the incident took place. We can preview these variables by printing their unique values to the Console using distinct().

distinct(fire_clean_df, property_type)
## # A tibble: 179 x 1
##    property_type                               
##    <chr>                                       
##  1 House - single occupancy                    
##  2 Railings                                    
##  3 Pipe or drain                               
##  4 Intensive Farming Sheds (chickens, pigs etc)
##  5 Park                                        
##  6 Lake/pond/reservoir                         
##  7 River/canal                                 
##  8 Tree scrub                                  
##  9 Car                                         
## 10 Other animal boarding/breeding establishment
## # ... with 169 more rows
distinct(fire_clean_df, property_category)
## # A tibble: 7 x 1
##   property_category
##   <chr>            
## 1 Dwelling         
## 2 Outdoor Structure
## 3 Non Residential  
## 4 Outdoor          
## 5 Road Vehicle     
## 6 Other Residential
## 7 Boat

What if we wanted to combine these categories into a new variable? This is where unite() comes in. Note that we first state the new variable name, the variables we want to unite, and how we want to separate them in the new variable.

fire_clean_df <- fire_clean_df %>% 
  unite(col = "property_description", 
        property_type, property_category,
        sep = " - ")

By default, unite() will remove the variables you have united. Take a look at the help documentation ?unite to find out how you can turn this option off, and keep the original variables.

4.5 Exercise

  1. The opposite of unite() is separate(). Unsurprisingly, this function can be used to separate a variable into two or more other variables. Let’s say we wanted to identify the year beginning and year end of each incident. Use separate() to split fin_year into two new variables called year_begin and year_end.

5 Acknowledgements

This material is based on both the materials and experience of teaching with colleagues from the Space Place and Crime working group and the Methods@Manchester summer school.

  1. You can actually specify more than one year within the get_crime_data() function. This is just a demonstration.↩︎