Conjunctive analysis of case configurations

What is conjunctive analysis and how to do it in R

Asier Moneva

In this workshop Asier Moneva will explain what Conjunctive Analysis of Case Configurations (CACC) is about, and how it can be conducted in R with the help of the cacc package. Asier will first introduce the CACC and then perform a live demonstration of the cacc package from RStudio.

Join this workshop meeting on Zoom by clicking this link

Asier Moneva is a postdoc at the NSCR and The Hague University of Applied Sciences with a background in criminology. He started specializing in crime analysis with R during his master’s degree and has since developed an interest in open science.


Asier will use the following R packages in the workshop:

To install them, you can run the code below:

if (! require("devtools")) install.packages(
  pkgs = "devtools",
  repos = ""

if (! require("tidyverse")) install.packages(
  pkgs = "tidyverse",
  repos = ""


For attribution, please cite this work as

Moneva (2022, Nov. 1). NSC-R Workshops: Conjunctive analysis of case configurations. Retrieved from

BibTeX citation

  author = {Moneva, Asier},
  title = {NSC-R Workshops: Conjunctive analysis of case configurations},
  url = {},
  year = {2022}